Monday, July 16, 2007

Missing Socks

Why is it that I know I put two socks that match into the dryer but never have pair when it comes time to fold. It's a problem that is shared by millions of people worldwide. So why do I continue to hang onto these mateless socks for eternity in hopes that one day they will be reunited. All I end up with is one more pile of things that I eventually have to sort through and then toss.

It's not only socks that I am expected to find. For whatever reason my family thinks that I am the only person in the house that can find things. Granted this is due to the fact that I am anal and usually can find the missing item as long as I have seen it. I have my own little mental imaging game I do in my head until I can picture where I have seen the lost item.

But this weekend really was to much for me. I was expected to know what happened to two of my sons best Pokemon cards. Not only was I expected to know what happened to them but I had to know after he had a sleepover during which they had taken out the missing cards to play with. This really was to much for me and I really should have had more patience with my son since they are important to him. Add this to the fact that the same son had already gotten mad that I forget his goggles at his friends house where he was swimming and I didn't know where he had left his flip flops (over at another friends house). I decided that from now on he just has to learn how to keep up with his own things.

Will this keep the rest of the family coming to me to find their missing items. I sincerely doubt it. But I truly feel that he is old enough to keep up with his own things without blaming me if he can't find them. And who knows maybe it will give me just a few more minutes to search for those missing socks.


Karen Hossink said...

I am so sorry to be sitting here laughing at your situation with your son and the cards and goggles. It's just that it sounds alarmingly similar to interactions I have with my Pokemon-loving son, too. And it makes me happy to know I'm not the only one! *grin*

Corrie said...

Sounds familiar. I have that sock problem all the time! They eventually get demoded into cleaning rags!