Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all my friends and fellow bloggers. The past year has been a very fun one for me and my family. And as I look back at some of what I wrote about during the past year I realize something. We are BORING! Our family never did anything really big that could count as a milestone. Nope not us, we stayed home and didn't vacation anywhere. But even in all of our Boringness we still enjoyed ourselves. We revelled in all the small ordinary things like snotty noses and Popsicles. And even though I'm sure it's boring for millions of people for our family it was just right. And hopefully for you few readers that come around our boringness didn't do you in to much. I can't promise not to be equally as Boring in the future but I hope to improve on it a tad bit. So Cheers to you my friends and raise your juice boxes to a Happy Healthy and Fun New Year!


Kellan said...

It sounds pretty darn wonderful to me - and I hope this New Year is especially fabulous for all of us! See ya. Kellan

nicole said...

Boring can be really good--less drama is no problem. Hope you are all feeling better too.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think your last year was boring, just normal family life. We tend to be homebodies as well and just enjoy the little things in life. So from one "boring" family to another, may 2008 bring you another wonderful boring year.

Anonymous said...

I think it is the "boring" things that make our lives wonderful! Just being together as a family is enough!