Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Camel Calisthenics

For other WW click here or else you can click here .


ellen b. said...

Looks like you won't be making it across the desert today afterall...

carmilevy said...

The first stuffed animal I ever bought my girlfriend - now my wife - was a stuffed camel. We still have him, and he's still my all-time fave.

I've posted my own - admittedly not as cute - Wordless Wednesday contribution here:

I hope you can drop by sometime soon for a glimpse at some of the photographic craziness around here. I don't just limit it to Wednesdays!

Have a great rest-of-WW, and I hope to e-see you soon.

All the best,


jams o donnell said...

It looks like a camel at leisure! Happy WW

Stacey said...

I don't know what it is about camels, but I think they're adorable! Happy WW

Anonymous said...

Good one! I once sat on one of those - just about managed to hang on for dear life LOL! It was a nightmare come true. Thanks for bringing back the memory... :D

Marsha said...

One of my favorite memories from visiting Egypt was riding a camel near the pyramids. Ours were a little perkier than this guy though!

You can find me here:

Happy WW!

Mrs. F said...

Looks like its' neck snapped in half.
He hee he hee he hee LOL (Unless of course, its' neck really did snap in half, then that is sad.)


Happy WW!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't know a camel could get into that position!

Unknown said...

Doesn't that hurt? Sweet photo, though.