Friday, February 29, 2008

Doing the Dishes

Since moving to our new home, doing the dishes just got a bit nicer. I still have way to many dirty dishes to even want to talk about though. We still have a great dishwasher which I couldn't live without either. (Well maybe technically I could but I really don't want to risk it). So while none of this is any different than what doing the dishes was like at my old house, my perspective has changed a bit.

Now when I am stuck at the sink washing those dishes that can't go in the dishwasher (Whether it's because it's full and I forgot to run it or because it's full and I need to unload it whatever the case may be) I have a window to look out of. And for the last six plus years I haven't had a window to look out while I'm doing the dishes. And now that I have a window I can fully appreciate the view that is something besides dirty dishes.

So I thought I'd show you the view. But to make it authentic, I decided that it needed to show the actual view from my sink inside the house. So that meant that I had to move all those before mentioned dirty dishes out of the way. Then I had to drag a chair over to the counter so I could climb up on it, in order to pull up the blinds, and since I was already there I just stood on the counter to get a higher angle (something my kids would get in big trouble for). Then I grabbed my camera and took a few pictures.

So now you can see what it is that I'm looking at when I do those piles and towers of dishes.

It's beautiful isn't it? It almost makes me forget all those dishes are there. Well at least until I look down from the window into the sink. But then I try to look away again as soon as I can. Anything to avoid those dishes a minute longer.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I just have to share with my few readers the excitement I have right now. My friend Nicole just had her fifth baby this morning. It's a beautiful baby girl. So go wish her and her husband Travis a big congratultions.

One room left

I am proud to say that we only have one room left with boxes. It's our office. But it's filled with boxes of things that I can't put away until we get some new shelves put up. I'm thinking I can actually have Hubs start hanging things on the wall this weekend. Then I can finally relax a bit. I truly hate having things in boxes and not in their right place. But since I had to have the majority of the house put back together for the cleaners, I had major incentive to get it all done. And now because I just LOVE LOVE LOVE Elsa and her magic Dyson I can now enjoy a clean house tonight. Yay for almost being done with everything involved with unpacking. Yay for having my house Elsafied.

And I'm sure your saying yay that such a petty and non substantial post such as this is now over.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

To my fellow shoppers

To my fellow shoppers at the grocery store today.

Yes, that was my youngest 22 month old daughter you heard screaming through out the aisles. Yes, it was me that did not pick her up out of the basket like she really wanted. Yes, I am mean enough to let her have a temper tantrum for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. You see, I was trying to finish my shopping as quickly as I could so that me and my three children could leave that store. I really couldn't carry her at the same time as trying to shop and push the cart. And no I really didn't feel like letting her walk, since I was in a bit of a hurry and a tad bit frustrated with her behaviour. So if my screaming child disturbed you while you were talking on the phone or otherwise just looking through your coupon book it really was just unfortunate for you. And to my fellow shopper who actually had the nerve to comment on my screaming daughter, you are truly lucky that I didn't grab your cane from you and tell my children you were a pinata. I'm sure that would have stopped the screaming immediately. (Well at least until they realized you weren't going to provide any candy) My daughter is almost two, but you were well over fifty and definitely know better so shame on you.

But unless you think I'm just a mean stressed out, hateful woman I would like to thank the other mom's that were out shopping at the same time as me. Your sweet encouraging smiles that showed me we have all been there at some point were appreciated and I thank you for that.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


I have finally found the missing dance shoes. They were in a box hiding in the boxes in the garage. A very safe place indeed. Now K. is very excited to be going back to her dance class tommorow. After two weeks of quiet tapping she is ready to make some noise.