Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter 2011

We had a very full Easter weekend. It started off with a brunch/egg hunt at our neighbors house across the street. They have had this brunch for the last 5 years and it just keeps getting bigger. Lots of food, mimosa's and visiting. And oh yeah, I forgot to mention over 1500 eggs filled with whatever goodies will fit into them. The kids look forward to this every year and so do us parents.

The egg hunt was not as crazy as last years and in fact I think the baskets got full before all the eggs were gathered. But the kids persevered and somehow found all the eggs.

I briefly got a picture of them showing off their loot before all the kids congregated on the steps to compare, trade and just eat candy.

I thought it would be such a waste to not try and get a couple of pictures of the kids together in their Easter clothes. For the most part it worked out. I still have the odd look or funny eyes going here and there. But I wasn't going to make them suffer all day long.

After church, my parents came over for a late lunch so we ate, and napped and napped some more. The kids meanwhile were running wild in the streets with all the other neighborhood kids that were still on a sugar high from all the candy the day before.

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