Saturday, March 8, 2008

Photo Hunters

This week the theme is different. So I thought I'd show a picture of three of my children. All with very different personalities, likes and dislikes. They have been out playing in what was left of the snow. The snow we got in Texas this past week is also very different from the norm. We very seldom get snow so the fact that we have so much of it in March is definetely out of the norm and different. So there you go, two very different things.

So there's my take on this weeks theme. For other views on this week's theme visit or


Claudia said...

Your "different" kids are alike in that they are all "cute". The slanted snowman looks a little "different" though, and it is made up of snowflakes...which we know are each "different"! Hee,Hee

Tammy said...

Love the pic! Looks like the "different" kids all had the "same" fun! Very cute! said...

maybe in attitudes but physically not much difference there because your kids are ALL so cute! =)

i must agree with the weather too. here in the philippines the weather is still a bit cool considering it is March already - the start of summer. something really different from the usual..

you and the kids have a fun weekend!

Anonymous said...

Looks like they enjoyed themselves! The snowman looks great!

**"Liza"** said...

looks like you have a thicker snow there compare us here. It did snow twice this week but us didn't get thick enough for my boys to enjoy. Anyway great entry for this week theme..Have a wonderful weekend too;)
Life's impression

Sarge Charlie said...

looks like fun to me

PowersTwinB said...

As I type this comment we just got hit with another 6 inches of that white chit! lol..We have had a total of over 61 inches this winter, which is about 3 times the amount we usually get here where I live in lower eastern Michigan! It looks like your kids are enjoying their rare snow though! Thanks for visitinging my hunt! I appreciate your visits

jams o donnell said...

That is not the sort of view we'd imagine from Texas! We've had no snow at all in London this year. Have a great weekend

Carver said...

Good take on the different theme. I love the shot of your children in the snow.

Beth Cotell said...

What a great picture and a great take on the theme!

Heart of Rachel said...

Looks like the kids had a great time playing in the snow. Children have different personalities but each one is special in his or her own way.